Home School Community, Private School & Daycare Groups
Enjoy Fun and Educational Experiences at Hewitt's!
Our curriculum based spring tours program are appropriate for kindergarten and elementary aged children and teaches all about seeds and caterpillars, including living things and how they grow – the wonders of spring!
Hewitt's Fun Farm offers a fun and educational experience that engages students with what is happening within their classroom and/or age group setting through tours and hands on fun activities in a safe and healthy environment.
School Tours
Price per student is $12 plus HST no charge for teachers or parental chaperones.
Please email hewittsfunfarm@hotmail.com to book your school tours.
Students will:
Enjoy an interactive puppet show introducing animal classification through our farm friendly puppets
Learn all about seeds
Visit our friendly farm animals
Take a wagon ride around the Fun Farm
Each child will plant a seed to take home and watch grow
Enjoy play time in are Fun Farm Yard
Students are encouraged to bring their own drinks and snacks to the farm
Students will enjoy a wagon ride to the pumpkin patch to pick their very own pumpkin to take home while observing and discussing how the environmental conditions affects the growth of plants.
Teachers will select one of the following programs:
Navigate your way through our corn maze
Farm pumpkin program
Students will:
Enjoy an interactive puppet show introducing animal classification through our farm friendly puppets
Learn all about seeds
Visit our friendly farm animals
Each child will take home their own farm grown pumpkin
Enjoy play time in are Fun Farm Yard
Students are encouraged to bring their own drinks and snacks to the farm
All programs are geared to correlate with the Ontario Science and Technology Curriculum
Teachers and EA’s are included in the cost of the tour. Adult helpers are included.
Tours run rain or shine consideration will be made to reschedule a rain date depending availability.
Please have students bring a bag to carry pumpkins and dress for the weather (remember the farm is very muddy when wet). Our rule of thumb for pumpkin picking is if you can carry it in your bag it’s yours!
Recommended clothing includes: rubber boots, jacket, sweater, gloves, hat (in line with weather conditions)